If you have some inquiries and wanted to post your amazing cake images to our site, email us at [email protected].
Facebook: @amazingcakeideasUSA
Instagram: @amazingcakeideas4u
Head Quarters:
Amazing Cake Ideas – USA (Head Office)
St. Louis Park, MN, USA 55426
Amazing Cake Ideas – Australia
79 Sunshine Rd, Melbourne, Victoria, 3012, Australia
Please join to our latest competitions:
Browse & Vote: World's Top-Rated Cake Designer
It's truly a great feeling if you are awarded as the World's Top-Rated Cake Designer. It might be one of the highest levels of achievement, right? In this competition, we will crown the best cake expert who deserves the title "World's Top-Rated Cake Designer". The lucky cake decorators, the champion and nine (9) runner-ups, shall JOINBrowse & Vote: World's Super Artistic Cake Expert
The World's Super Artistic Cake Expert Competition is not only a platform for seasoned professionals but also a space for emerging talents to shine. The event provides a unique opportunity for networking, learning, and collaboration within the baking community. Participants often share tips, techniques, and experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie that extends beyond the JOINVote: World's Super Stunning Cake Creation
The World's Super Stunning Cake Masterpiece Creation is a highly anticipated event in the world of pastry and baking. This competition brings together some of the most talented and innovative cake designers from around the globe to showcase their skills and creativity in creating breathtaking cake masterpieces. One of the most exciting aspects of the competition JOINBrowse & Vote: Artist of the World's Super Seductive Cakes
Make your dreams come true by crowning yourself as the "Artist of the World's Super Seductive Cakes". As proof, we will give certificates to the champion and nine (9) runner-ups. Grab yours now! 🙂 To vote for the most inspiring cakes, just click the CLICK TO VOTE button below the cake image. Share this post JOINBrowse & Vote: World's Jaw-Dropping Cake
In this highly anticipated competition, we are featuring the best cakes from the most brilliant cake artists in the world. Their cakes are really qualified to be crowned as the World's Jaw-Dropping Cakes. With that, we will recognize and give certificates to these cake designers (the champion and nine (9) runner-ups) who designed these amazing JOIN